Dear Client, 

I wanted to share with you some important information about our company.

Since the 22nd of September, Baccarat has been confronted with a cyberattack, which has been affecting our operations outside of Hong Kong.  

On the cyber side, a few days ago we received a report of the investigation expert which allowed us to better understand how the attack happened. However, the complete investigation did not confirm whether data was transferred, nor the nature or volume of information potentially concerned, nor the people potentially impacted. 


Also, following the cyberattack, Baccarat decided, with the help of specialists, to maintain active surveillance on any publication originating from the threat actor. On October 20, this monitoring detected that a significant quantity of documents was published by the threat actor. 

This content is currently being analysed by our experts. I assure you that if any of your personal data linked to this cyberattack is brought to our attention, we will keep you informed. More than ever, the security of your data is our priority. 

In the meantime, we encourage you to be extremely watchful and to browse this institutional website for information on cybersecurity best practices (via this link). We remain available to answer your questions at this email address:

After this cyberattack began, we reacted with determination and implemented numerous cybersecurity and system security measures. I would like to reassure you that today, the use of emails, videoconferences, and other means of communication with or within Baccarat poses no threat. Our teams, supported by external experts, are mobilized, and committed to a gradual return to normal of all our activities, under optimal cybersecurity conditions. 

I would like to sincerely thank you for your loyalty to our House and for your support. 

Best regards,  

Maggie Henriquez 

CEO of Baccarat