A source of inspiration and constantly renewed creativity, Baccarat imagines collections ahead of the times, constantly defying the limits of know-how and materials. Let yourself be seduced by the emblematic pieces or creations by the world's greatest designers and discover the House's exclusive collaborations.
Through exclusive collaborations, Baccarat unveils surprising collections, a reflection of the House’s daring spirit and creativity.
Baccarat draws its strength from its rich repertoire of styles. A symbol of unlimited know-how and creativity, its collections exalt the purity of crystal embodying joie de vivre and celebration.
The greatest artists and designers have succumbed to the temptation of Baccarat. Through unprecedented collaborations, each has brought a particular creative vision, constantly pushing the limits of technique and defying the laws of matter. Blurring the boundaries between art, architecture and design, they have opened up new perspectives, enriching Baccarat's aesthetic repertoire over time. An absolute complicity between artists and craftsmen results in extraordinary creations rich in imagination.